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Enlightenment - The Best State of Life Mode

Do you know what the best state of life mode is? Do you know what kind of state a person needs to adjust and maintain in order to be the happiest, most carefree, most successful, and most easily wealthy? If you have been unable to find the right state, read this article. This article will comprehensively share with you the best life state that Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism practitioners have been tirelessly pursuing for thousands of years. You can easily determine which areas you need to improve, and you can clearly understand the true reasons why people live in anxiety, pain, scarcity, and mediocrity.

Many practitioners fail to comprehend the essence of practice due to fragmented information and even end up practicing deviant paths. You must have heard a saying that your state is your greatest feng shui. In other words, the quality of your state determines the quality of your destiny, and the kind of life you will have. This statement is not an exaggeration at all. Throughout history, people have achieved success and wealth in their best life states. Think back to your good grades in the college entrance examination and the first bucket of gold you earned in your life. Weren't they achieved in the best state of life mode? However, if your body is sick, uncomfortable, or your emotions are low, it is difficult to have the energy to achieve because your state is poor and your life energy is weak. Therefore, a person's state is truly as important as gold, and it is not excessive to value one's own state. Cultivating a good life state is a lifelong task for you, so have you ever seriously thought about these questions: What is a good state? What is a poor state? How are good and poor life states generated? Is there a set of practice methods and paths that can effectively adjust to the best state of life mode? These questions are extremely important to you. Once you understand and comprehend them, your life will quickly take off, and the world will look at you with admiration.

Next, I will use a focus-driven thinking approach to break down and share these questions with you. You must have experienced moments when you were in a very good state, as well as moments when you were in a very poor state. If you say that you are in a good state, I can guarantee that you will have the following experiences: you will feel inner peace, physical health, lightness, and strength; you will feel joy in your heart, have motivation and passion in your actions, be focused and efficient, have creativity, be full of hope, direction, and strong goals for the future; and you will be tolerant, generous, and compassionate towards others, right? If you say that you are in a poor state, I can also guarantee that you will have one or more of the following experiences: you will feel blocked in your heart, physically uncomfortable, heavy, and weak; you will have many negative emotions such as inferiority, anxiety, fear, resentment, and regret; you will lack motivation, be unable to focus, have low efficiency, be pessimistic and confused about the future, and be indifferent, stingy, and guarded towards others. If you observe carefully, you will find that when you feel in a bad state, there are always two reasons: either there is a problem with your body or there is a problem with your mind. In other words, a person's state is determined by the state of their body and mind, and a person's state is equal to the state of their body plus the state of their mind. For example, if you have a high fever from a cold, your state will definitely not be good, and you will not have the ability to work. If you experience heartbreak and feel depressed and miserable, your state will also not be good, and you may even lose your appetite. Since this is the case, let's further trace back. We just need to find the causes that lead to problems in the body and mind, and then solve those causes in order to find the best state, the life mode.

So, what determines the good or bad state of the body? The answer is the stability, balance, and abundance of Qi and blood in the body. And what influences the Qi and blood in your body? The answer is the degree of disturbance and depletion caused by the changes in the heavens, seasons, climate, environment, objects, food, emotions, and bad habits. You must remember a saying: humans are products of the universe, heavens, and nature. The influence of the universe and all things on the human body is comprehensive and overwhelming. In the face of the environment, you are as insignificant as a speck of dust. Do not be arrogant and always have a sense of awe. Even the slightest changes in the universe and all things can have fatal effects on humans.

Now, what determines the good or bad state of the mind? The answer is the strength of your divine consciousness and awareness. And what determines your consciousness and awareness? The answer depends on the degree of training your brain has undergone, and it depends on the extent to which your brain is bound and limited by desires, emotions, wrong views, karmic forces, and habitual tendencies. A well-trained brain, with divine consciousness and awareness taking the lead, will not generate any greed, anger, ignorance, doubt, or attachment.

Now that you know that your state of life depends on the state of your body and mind, and the state of your body and mind depends on various specific factors, let's continue tracing back.

First, in order to achieve the best state of life mode, don't you need to learn, understand, master, and store a complete and true high-dimensional cognition and wisdom in your brain? Because only when your thoughts completely change, will your behavior patterns change accordingly. The human body is like a computer, and the software determines its functions. The more powerful the software is, the more amazing the creations will be. It can be said without reservation that what you learn in school and in business training courses belongs to low-dimensional wisdom and action-level skills, which will leave loopholes and limitations in your life. They only work under the facilities of the holy one. Many people work hard but only consider achievements without considering karmic forces. In the end, they lose everything, accumulate debts, and suffer from various diseases because they fail to deeply understand the principles of dependent origination, emptiness, the marvelous interplay of causes and effects, the unity of heaven and man, the balance of yin and yang, the generation and control of the five elements, and the inherent completeness and the generation of all phenomena from the mind.

Second, in order to achieve the best state of life mode, don't you also need to cultivate a powerful sense of awareness? Because if your awareness is not present, your brain will control your body and continue to create under the arrangement of karmic forces. Many people are in a bad state and have physical and mental problems. It is because they lack awareness. They are not even aware that there is a problem. They spend very little time focusing on their body and mind. How many pitiful people only discover they have cancer in the late stage, and how many unfortunate people only realize in their old age that if they had a broader perspective when they were young, they would not have ended up so miserable. A person without strong awareness usually gets deeply involved in life and is ultimately controlled by the desires, emotions, karmic forces, and habits of their human role. Once you regain your divine consciousness and awareness, your awareness will be like your sentinel, like your guardian angel, keenly observing any abnormal situations and constantly reminding you to stay on the right track in life. Friends, in the end, cultivation is all about cultivating awareness. Under the luxury of awareness, we adopt various methods to make our lives better.

Third, in order to achieve the best state of life mode, don't you need to become extremely cautious and attentive to observe and protect yourself from the influences of celestial bodies, seasons, climate, environment, objects, food, emotions, and bad habits in the time and space you are in? Because you understand the principle of the unity of all things in the universe and the corresponding relationship between heaven and man, and you also understand the determining factors that cause problems in the body. You will learn and master various methods, such as traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, Taoist health preservation, Five Animal Frolics, Eight Section Brocade, breathing exercises, Tai Chi, yoga, and even square dancing, to keep your body's Qi and blood undisturbed and abundant, and to maintain a stable, balanced, and energetic state. You will be full of vitality and radiance.

Fourth, in order to achieve the best state of life mode, don't you need to become particularly good at observing, protecting, and training your inner self, so as not to be limited and bound by the desires, emotions, wrong views, karmic forces, and habitual tendencies of the small self? Because you understand the principle of inherent completeness and the generation of all phenomena from the mind, and you also understand the determining factors that cause problems in the mind. You will learn and master various methods, such as meditation, mindfulness, counting breaths, chanting, and letting go, to keep your mind free from distractions during idle time, to be pure and unaffected, and to be fully focused, concentrated, and dedicated during work time. You will no longer be divided in your thoughts and intentions, and everything you wish for will come true. With the assistance of divine beings, friends, ultimately, let's take a step back.

What is the best state of life mode? I will summarize it in a paragraph. This paragraph also represents my attitude and belief in cultivating oneself and nurturing one's character, which I remind myself of every day. The best state of life mode is achieved when you wholeheartedly learn and master high-dimensional wisdom at the level of principles, deeply understand the truths of the universe, the laws of heaven and earth, the truths of life, the mysteries of the body, and the methods of success. You are no longer confined to action-level skills. The unknown ignorance of living is gone. You regain your divine consciousness and awareness, and cultivate a powerful sense of awareness. Everything in the universe and all things, your body, and your inner self, are under the care of your consciousness and awareness. Any abnormal changes will be keenly noticed by you, and you will take action to keep your body and mind on the right track. You learn to submit and revere, allowing your body to follow the laws of heaven and earth, and aligning your diet and daily routine accordingly. You no longer let bad habits harm your body, and you keep your Qi and blood undisturbed and abundant, always maintaining a stable, balanced, and energetic state. Moreover, you transcend the script of destiny and the roles in the human world. From the perspective of an audience, you clearly see the painful consequences and disasters caused by desires, emotions, wrong views, karmic forces, and habitual tendencies, which are born out of dependent origination and conditions. You no longer identify with them, no longer participate in the performance of the human drama, and no longer engage in meaningless empty actions. Instead, you remain pure and focused, fully engaged in doing what you love and serving all sentient beings. You constantly refine and optimize your system of aspirations, diligence, and business services, creating an abundant and fulfilling reality.

When you reach old age, you can proudly say that you have lived out the potential and miracles of your true self and your true life. This is the best state of life mode. Friends, please answer me: do you think your current state is good or not? Can you deeply understand the significance and power of the best state of life mode in your life? Have you carefully observed, treated, and adjusted your state of life? Do you now know how to elevate your life state instead of descending? Friends, now is the time to wholeheartedly become a chosen one who maintains the best state of life mode, to create a destiny that is abundant, fulfilling, and complete, and to make the world look at you with admiration. Thank you for reading this humble request. Please like and bookmark it, so that more people in an unknown state can see the light and make our world a better place.

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